Featured Video- How APPNA Members Feel About This Catastrophe! | | APPNA members are showing their enthusiasm in more ways than one. This video is prepared by Dr. Shazia Habib Farooqui of Virginia. Thank You Dr. Farooqui!
| Featured Video- Humanity On The Move in Pakistan | | People are moving in severe heat without much idea of what lies ahead for them. Watch the video.
| | | APPNA Members Gear Up To Help Their Brothers and Sisters in Pakistan | Internally Displaced Pakistanis Need Our Support Now!!!! Please Donate Generously! Assalam o Alaikum APPNA Family and Friends:
You have started responding to our call. Thank You! How have we done so far in less than 48 hours? We have received pledges and or donations for over $20,000 and now we are moving towards our next target of $30,000. Would we be able to achieve that by the next update? That depends on Allah's Mercy and your generosity.
A sea of humanity is on the move in Northern Pakistan, through rugged hills and in torching heat. Our brothers and sisters are hungry and unsure of what lies ahead for them. They are not sure if they will have enough to eat, a roof on their head and people to help them through these very difficult times. Amazing as it is, the good news is that people of Pakistan have opened up their private homes to accommodate some of these displaced. But what can APPNA do for them? APPNA can only do as much as you would empower us to do. We need money to cater for various needs of displaced Pakistanis, such as shelter, food, clothing and yes- health-care! the area we specialize in. How much can $20,000 buy? Not a whole lot but we know much more is coming from you.
APPNA's Social Welfare and Disaster Relief Committee is spearheading this campaign with current pledges of $20,000 + and with a planned release of first tranche of $5000 (around Rs. 4 lakh) on Monday May 11th. We need to collect and dispatch much more than what we have been able to achieve so far. And we would release money, periodically, as we receive it. Your valuable contributions will be routed through non-religious and non-political groups and charities with an established track record of humanitarian services in Pakistan. Please donate generously and promptly through:
Credit Card << CLICK here
APPNA 6414 South Cass Avenue
Westmont, IL 60559 Memo; Fund For Internally Displaced Pakistanis
Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by the IRS
Please help now!!!!!
APPNA Social Welfare and Disaster Relief Committee | |
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