Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nizam Mamu and Child Aid in Karachi

Nizam mamu is a relentless warrior when it comes to the fight against pediatric cancer. He is an icon for our family, someone who has been a father figure to all of us. His love is not just limited to our family but spreads to all the children who come under his care. His photo is at the top. In the next photo, in a white shalwar kameez is Syed Samad, champa khala's son and a gastroenterologist. He was in Pakistan in December 2005. The last two photos are my favorite- a child before/during therapy and she after curative treatment for lymphoma (cancer of lymphocytes). We are now helping Nizam mamu set up a state of the art laboratory in Karachi at the CAA bone marrow transplantation unit. This laboratory would be the first of it's type and help provide diagnosis at the genetic level. Each one of us can move a mountain if we act determined. Posted by Picasa


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